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Showing posts from 2018

Hixme’s Online Insurer Profile Database Tool

A seasoned investment banker, Erik Wissig is a founding executive and CFO of technology startup Hixme. Erik Wissig’s firm is disrupting the large employer health benefits group model with a new technology driven worker-owned health benefit approach. Hixme’s latest offering is the online Insurer Profile Database Tool. The Insurer Profile Database Tool enables the comparison of profiles on hundreds of insurers that are offering thousands of plans throughout the country. The groundbreaking tool assembles over 100 data points from close to 200 insurers. Information that can be compared includes special program features, operating procedures, technology features, methods of application, networks, and service areas, among others. This is the first instance when all this information is assembled in one location where it is integrated and converted into useful analytics.  A treasure trove of insights may be obtained from this data, and awareness of the nuances of each insurance company...

Hixme’s Flexible, Right-Sized Employee Health Coverage

Erik Wissig serves as Hixme Insurance Solutions, Inc.’s chief financial officer and provides technology-enabled health benefit solutions that are worker-owned and meet the needs of large organizations. As described by the Hixme’s CEO, Erik Wissig’s firm is addressing a nationwide situation in which health care costs are rapidly increasing.  According to CEO Denny Weinberg, Hixme ’s approach centers on the prevalence of over-insurance, with coverage that far exceeds most people’s actual needs draining resources that could better be used elsewhere. A major reason costs are rising is that coverage is essentially designed to meet the needs of a small fraction of employees. The answer is to empower workers through choice when selecting a plan.  Through Hixme, employers can provide custom coverage while avoiding the need to design health care packages themselves. Employees are given tools to compare and shop, with brokers helping them select ideal coverage sized to the needs of t...

Hixme’s Custom Insurance Platform Gives Workers Choice

Guiding Hixme Insurance Solutions, Inc., as chief financial officer, Erik Wissig informs a technology-driven company that offers a full range of solutions in the health benefits sphere. Working with large companies and organizations, Erik Wissig and his team provide pathways for replacing the outmoded, rigid, group insurance model with insurance that is tailored to the individual needs of employees and their families. A recent California Broker Magazine article featured the insights of Hixme CEO Denny Weinberg about his company’s role in enabling employee choice, which avoids the pitfall of over-insurance. Bringing focus to the employer-funding mechanism, Hixme takes the perspective that each person covered has “vastly different needs and preferences.” With Hixme, employers no longer guess what coverage workers need from a narrow one-size-fits-all viewpoint. At the same time, employees gain access to the decision-making process through the WorkPlace Market platform. The result is a...

Hixme Health Bundle Leverages Expanded Coverage at Lower Cost

Erik Wissig serves as the chief financial officer of Hixme Insurance Solutions, Inc., a provider of technology-based solutions designed to help employers offer worker-owned health benefit packages. Products available through Erik Wissig’s California-based company include the Hixme Health Bundle, a comprehensive healthcare plan package for workers and their families.  The Hixme Health Bundle helps workers obtain better coverage at a lesser expense by expanding medical coverage beyond the limits of a traditional standalone core insurance policy. Workers start with a core health insurance policy and may supplement additional coverage in order to mitigate the financial consequences of unexpected medical events. Individual features vary among bundles, allowing workers to create a plan that suits their specific needs and circumstances.  Extra value is created through safety net features that trigger only when needed, which reduce deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses. Reductions...

Hixme - Containing Costs and Enabling Health Insurance Choice

Erik Wissig serves as Hixme Insurance Solutions , Inc.’s chief financial officer and oversees a technology-driven platform in the group benefits sphere. Emphasizing innovative solutions that place employees in the driver’s seat when it comes to health benefits, Erik Wissig’s company enables employers to optimize their activities within the individual health insurance market. Interviewed by Forbes, Mr. Wissig described his company as fulfilling an essential role within an Affordable Care Act-influenced health care landscape in which it can be extremely challenging to predict evolving regulatory mandates and areas of price increase. Within a commission and reimbursement environment, a key focus is finding a sustainable revenue model, given that health care providers have limited flexibility in adjusting service and product pricing. Hixme has identified these challenges and found ways of enabling companies to reevaluate their systems in ways that protect worker coverage while containin...