Guiding Hixme Insurance Solutions, Inc., as chief financial officer, Erik Wissig informs a technology-driven company that offers a full range of solutions in the health benefits sphere. Working with large companies and organizations, Erik Wissig and his team provide pathways for replacing the outmoded, rigid, group insurance model with insurance that is tailored to the individual needs of employees and their families.
A recent California Broker Magazine article featured the insights of Hixme CEO Denny Weinberg about his company’s role in enabling employee choice, which avoids the pitfall of over-insurance. Bringing focus to the employer-funding mechanism, Hixme takes the perspective that each person covered has “vastly different needs and preferences.”
With Hixme, employers no longer guess what coverage workers need from a narrow one-size-fits-all viewpoint. At the same time, employees gain access to the decision-making process through the WorkPlace Market platform. The result is an informative, easy-to-use system that brings predictability to organizations while adding flexibility that benefits workers and their dependents.
As Mr. Weinberg describes it, the industry change enabled by Hixme’s platform is consumer driven and has parallels with the emergence of the 401(k), which decades ago placed greater control over retirement investments in worker hands. The bottom line is that companies are now able to customize coverage that leverages scale in the most efficient way possible while avoiding the need to design coverage from the ground up.
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